You're here because you appreciate a nostalgic way of life. Not everyone understands the impact of a handwritten note, but you do. You know that sometimes an email or a text or a message on social media just isn't the same.
When it's time to send those notes you're likely looking for something that speaks to you and to the one receiving the card. I'm the same way. When I went looking for a Valentine's Day card back when my husband and I were dating, I found a few cards in the aisle that had cows or tractors on them but the cows were dairy cows and we both raised beef cattle. Or the tractors were green and I could NEVER give my red-blooded boyfriend anything with a green machine on the front...I wanted to keep dating him!
Hungry Canyon was born. It started with me making cards for my now husband and I turned it into a full-fledged business over the years.
I'm excited that you've read this far because I just know you and I are kindred spirits. I love reading the about sections of business websites because I like knowing the "who" and "why" behind the company. I love seeing if I have something in common with the owner or where they grew up or what their family loves to do. If you're interested in that as well, then you're in the right place.
Thank you. Really, truly, from the bottom of my heart. I'm so glad you're here.
Melissa Nelson of Hungry Canyon is a Nebraska farm and cattle gal who transplanted to Northwest Iowa after college to build an agricultural education non-profit and marry an Iowa farm boy. Her farm background and creative, entrepreneurial spirit allow her to put a unique spin on everyday items. She creates authentic and accurate agriculture-related cards, gifts and home decor from the farm and beef cattle operation she and her husband are so proud of. Melissa and her husband Mark have two boys and a girl--Roy, Charlie and Jeannie Sue-- seventh generation farm kids and lovers of tractors and cows.
Hungry Canyon began when Melissa and Mark were dating in college. Melissa would make homemade cards for Valentine's Day that played to Mark and her love of farm life. She'd post them on social media after the holiday and her friends and family started asking if they could purchase them. With her knowledge of website creation and marketing and a cheerleader in Mark, they launched HungryCanyonDesign.com in 2018. The business has grown and it continues to be a fun, creative outlet for Melissa in her free time.
Card production moved from in-house (literally in Mark and Melissa's house) to a local print shop in nearby Sioux City, Iowa in 2019 to keep up with demand. The cards are still designed by Melissa but the physical product is produced by a company which employs individuals with developmental disabilities.